2021 - Another odd year

Haven't done a massive amount. Not really gone anywhere, again!

Green - My energy supplier went pop recently and Ofgem are moving me to Shell. WHOOP. Can't say i'll be staying there for very long, but it is also a wait until moved situation!

Trine - I've still got a three loans that are Delayed and Restructuring post Covid which is probably to be expected. The good news is they've not been written off, but nor has much happened with them. To my mind they were always a gamble, and if the money came back then it would be rolled back in and if it didn't then I'd helped people and offset the carbon anyway.
I actually added some Euros that were in a Revolut account from prior traveling and i'm up to about E800 overall. 

Tesla have been silly in terms of a massive run up, which is VERY nice, though funds are mostly locked up too due to tax issues and personal circumstances!
No movement on my Cybertruck order as the US version keeps getting push back due to material shortages, which to be fair are effecting EVERYONE at the moment. A year off of little production and still consuming things means spinning back up the worlds economies is pretty tricky.

Still running the A8 with LPG which helped in the minor blip of a UK fuel shortage, that really wasn't a shortage. I do keep looking at electric cars though and may have to get a second hand model S or something when funds allow. Alas dropping £30k on a car at the moment just isn't quite feasible, but maybe next year. I did look at loans, but I loath paying interest and paying £40k for a £30k item is just crazy!


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